Joomla User Manual

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Listing a user on a contacts page

Adding Contacts to a Contact Page

From the Administrator menu select Components → Contacts → Categories.

By default, Joomla shows a category called Uncategorised. To create a new category, click on the New button. An editing page will open. Name the category in the title field. The alias field is used in links and should not include any spaces. If left blank the alias will be created from the Title. Select Published in the Status field. Add an optional image, align it right or left, and even add a description to indicate what this category of contacts is for. It will only show up for Backend users. Click Save and you have created a category for your new users.

Create a New Contact

From the Administrator menu:

  • Select Components → Contacts → Contacts.
  • Select the New button in the Toolbar.
  • Fill out the data entry form.
  • Only the Title is required.

You can select an existing registered user but you do not have to. You can add unregistered users. However, you should comply with local privacy regulations whether your contacts are registered or not.

You can select an existing Category or begin typing to find a Category if your list of categories is long.

Enter as much or as little data as necessary and select Save & Close.

Click on New. This will open an editing window where you can add the contact name, alias for the computer, and the rest of the left side of the window is your custom information.

In the Display tab there us an option for vCard. This is a handy digital business card that will allow visitors to download a preformatted vCard of the contact. You can find out more about vCards at Wikipedia.

Create a Menu Item

From the Administrator menu:

  • Select Menus → Main Menu or whichever menu you wish to use.
  • Select the New button in the Toolbar.
  • In the Menus: New Item form enter a Title, for example Friends.
  • From the Menu Item Type field Select / Contacts / List Contacts in a Category.
  • From the Select a Category field Select and select for example Friends.
  • Select Save & Close as all of the other fields are optional.

Go to your Site frontend and select the menu item just created. You will see a list of contacts. Select a contact name to see a page containing a contact form that allows you to send an email. Try it out!

Restrict access to the Menu Item

Clearly, it is not a good idea to allow anyone to use your Contact form to send email to that individual. So go back to the menu item and set Access to Super Users.