Joomla User Manual
Manual Index
Subform Field
The Subform Field allows a selection of fields to be grouped together in a repeatable list.
Field Creation¶
First create the fields needed in the subform. In the example described here there is a Calendar field (Acquisition Date), a Text field (Price) and a Color field (Flower Colour) to be used for a list of several specimens.
Bug: There is a bug in the Calendar field code that leads to a fatal error when saving an article a second time. To avoid this problem set the Calendar field Show Time value to Yes.
Special options for this field:
- Title and Label In this example these are set to Specimens.
- Fields Add the fields required in the subform one by one. Each row has a dropdown list of available field and a Render Values Yes/No toggle. The item order can be changed with the drag icon.
Data Entry¶
In the data entry form you need to add rows for each specimen. Each row contains a Calendar field, a Text field and Colour field.
Data Display¶
In the Article, the subform entitled Specimens has one row for each specimen. Look for the Specimens item in this screenshot: