Joomla User Manual

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How do you convert an htaccess.txt file into a .htaccess file?


When using PHP as an Apache module, you can change the configuration settings using directives in Apache configuration files (e.g. httpd.conf and .htaccess files). You will need "AllowOverride Options" or "AllowOverride All" privileges to do so. If you control your own Apache configuration, you can and should use httpd.conf. If you do not control your Apache configuration (such as on a shared server), you must use .htaccess files.


  1. First look for the file, htaccess.txt in your root directory using FTP to connect to your server. The file should have been installed during the Joomla! installation. (Note that this file name does not begin with a dot.) Open and carefully read htaccess.txt. It contains important suggestions on how to protect your site.
  2. Make any adjustments to this file as appropriate for your site, and then save it in your site's home directory as, .htaccess (including the dot). Make sure you uncheck the "Hide filenames that begin with a period" option within your FTP program.
  3. Test your site's front end and back end. If it produces errors, rename the file back to htaccess.txt, and troubleshoot your edits. If you are unable to get this working, you may have to leave the file named as htaccess.txt.
  4. Use phpinfo() to ensure that all configurations set as you intended. Note: Web-accessible files that include phpinfo() are potential security risks they offer attackers lots of useful information about your server. Always remove such files after use.

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