Joomla User Manual

Manual Index

Article Preview

Preview Access

When you have written an Article it can be useful to preview it before publishing. Note: the Preview feature uses the saved article and not the content of the editor form.

From the Site interface:

  • Login to the website frontend.
  • If you have permission to edit an article in the frontend, you can do so and use the Save & Close button to see the article.

From the Administrator interface:

  • Login to the backend and select an article to edit or create and save a new one.
  • To keep a new article private for now, set the Status to Unpublished or leave it Published and adjust the Start Publishing date.
  • Make changes and Save the article.
  • Select the Preview button in the Toolbar. A popup Preview window should appear.
  • If you get a The requested page can't be found message, login to the Frontend and try again.
  • To close the Preview window select the X button at the top right corner.

Group Permissions

To check who can use the Preview feature:

  • In the Backend select Administrator → Users → Groups.
  • Select an icon from the Permissions column for the Group of interest.
  • Enter article in the search field to search for articles or part of the article title to search for a specific article.

It may come as a surprise that Author, Editor and Publisher are not allowed Administrator login! Also Authors can only Create and Edit Own articles.