Joomla User Manual

Manual Index

Using the CLI

The Command Line Interface (CLI)

If you have terminal access to the server running your website you can use the Joomla CLI to carry out routine tasks without the need to use Joomla user login credentials. Even without terminal access, such as on some shared hosting accounts, you can run CLI commands using cron jobs. CLI commands are often quicker or more convenient than equivalents accomplished through the Joomla (or cPanel) Administrator interface. Site backup and setting site offline/online are examples where you might prefer to use the CLI.

Joomla core has about 30 useful commands and you can add more with additional extensions. For example, you could fetch external data such as Geolocation or Exchange rate data for a custom component.

Using the CLI

The CLI is used by invoking the command line php executable. This is often different from that used by a web server such as Apache. If you are using a cron job you may have to supply the complete path to the php executable, like this:

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/public_html/[optional subfolder]/cli/joomla.php

Otherwise, when using the terminal command line, change directory to the Joomla cli directory and get started running the command without parameters:

cd /home/username/public_html/[optional subfolder]/cli
php joomla.php

List of commands

And try out some help commands to become familiar with what to expect:

php joomla.php help
php joomla.php list
php joomla.php help cache:clean
php joomla.php help config:get

Each of the Help descriptions and usage strings are hard-coded in Console library files or in third party plugins.

Try some simple action commands:

php joomla.php config:get debug
php joomla.php cache:clean
php joomla.php site:down
php joomla.php site:up


If you are calling commands from a cron you may not wish to see any output:

php joomla.php -q cache:clean

Note that options may use a space or = sign but variables must use an = sign:

php joomla.php session:gc --application administrator
php joomla.php session:gc --application=administrator

php joomla.php config:set debug=true


A brief explanation of each core command.


Clear expired entries from the system cache:

php joomla.php cache:clean --help
php joomla.php cache:clean

Output of cache clean

php joomla.php cache:clean expired

Output of cache clean expired


Get or set a configuration variable, one of the variables in configuration.php or a group of variables. Valid groups are db, session, mail,

php joomla.php config:get debug --help
php joomla.php config:get debug
Output of config get debug
php joomla.php config:set debug=true
Output of config set debug
php joomla.php config:get --group session
Output of config get group session


Check for updates or update Joomla.

php joomla.php core:check-updates --help
php joomla.php core:check-updates
Output of core check updates
php joomla.php core:update --help
php joomla.php core:update

Output of cor update


Export or Import the database. You can export or import all tables or a selected table. Do not use this feature to import all tables of a multi-lingual site. There is a problem that could stop Smart Search working completely.

php joomla.php database:export --help
php joomla.php database:export --table f4rc2_banners --folder /home/username/tmp/mydb (one table)
php joomla.php database:export --folder /home/username/tmp/mydb (all tables)

php joomla.php database:import --help
php joomla.php database:import --table /home/username/tmp/mydb/f4rc2_banners (one table)
[ERROR] The /home/username/tmp/mydb/f4rc2_banners.xml file does not exist.
php joomla.php database:import --folder /home/username/tmp/mydb (all tables in this folder)


List, Discover, Install or Remove extensions.

php joomla.php extension:list --help
php joomla.php extension:list
php joomla.php extension:list --type component
php joomla.php extension:list --type file
php joomla.php extension:list --type language
php joomla.php extension:list --type library
php joomla.php extension:list --type module
php joomla.php extension:list --type package
php joomla.php extension:list --type plugin
php joomla.php extension:list --type template

php joomla.php extension:discover --help
php joomla.php extension:discover
php joomla.php extension:discover:list
php joomla.php extension:discover:install --eid=

php joomla.php extension:install --help
php joomla.php extension:install --path=
php joomla.php extension:install --url=

php joomla.php extension:remove --help
php joomla.php extension:remove


Purges and rebuilds the index (search filters are preserved).

php joomla.php finder:index --help
php joomla.php finder:index
php joomla.php finder:index purge
Output of finder index purge


List, change state, or run scheduled tasks.

php joomla.php scheduler:list --help
php joomla.php scheduler:list

php joomla.php scheduler:state --help
php joomla.php scheduler:state (interactive prompt for task id)

php joomla.php scheduler:run --help
php joomla.php scheduler:run --id ID
php joomla.php scheduler:run --all


Perform session garbage collection.

php joomla.php session:gc --help
php joomla.php session:gc
php joomla.php session:gc --application administrator

php joomla.php session:metadata:gc --help
php joomla.php session:metadata:gc


Puts the site offline or online.

php joomla.php site:down --help
php joomla.php site:down

php joomla.php site:up --help
php joomla.php site:up


Checks for pending extension updates. Removes old files which should have been deleted during a Joomla update

php joomla.php update:extensions:check --help
php joomla.php update:extensions:check

php joomla.php update:joomla:remove-old-files --help
php joomla.php update:joomla:remove-old-files
Output of update joomla remove old files


List and manage users.

php joomla.php user:list --help
php joomla.php user:list

php joomla.php user:add --help
php joomla.php user:add --username cinderella --name Cinderella --email cinders@localhost --usergroup Manager (prompt for password)
php joomla.php user:add (prompts for data)
Output of user add with prompts
php joomla.php user:addtogroup --help
php joomla.php user:addtogroup (prompts for data)
php joomla.php user:addtogroup --usernam=cinderella --group=Manager

php joomla.php user:removefromgroup --help
php joomla.php user:removefromgroup (prompts for data)
php joomla.php user:removefromgroup --usernam=cinderella --group=Manager

php joomla.php user:reset-password --help
php joomla.php user:reset-password (prompts for data)
php joomla.php user:reset-password --username=cinderella (prompts for password)

php joomla.php user:delete --help
php joomla.php user:delete (prompts for username)
php joomla.php user:delete --username=cinderella (prompts for confirmation - y to confirm)