Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

Users: Viewing Access Levels


Access levels control which users can view which objects on your site. Objects include menu items, modules, categories, and component items (articles, contacts, and so on). Each object in the site is assigned to one access level. User groups are also assigned to each access level.

If a user is a member of a group that in turn has permission for an access level, then that user can view all objects assigned to that access level. It is important to understand that user groups can be arranged in a parent-child hierarchy. If so, then a child group has access to all access levels that the parent group has access to. So you don't need to assign a child group access to levels that its parent group already has access to.

This page shows a list of User Access Levels.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to access

Select Users → Access Levels from the Administrator menu.


users viewing access levels


  • Click on the name of an access level to edit it.
  • Click on the Column Headers to sort the users by that column, ascending or descending.