Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

User Notes: New or Edit


User notes are pieces of information which can be assigned to registered users on your Joomla! site. For example, user notes can contain comments about 'offending' or 'difficult' users etc.

In this page you can create a new user note or edit an existing user note.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to access

  • Select Users → User Notes from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select New from the Toolbar to create a new note. Or...
    • Select a link from the Subjects column to edit an existing note.
  • Or Select Users → Manage from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Search for a user by Username or Email. Then...
    • Select Add a Note to create a new note. Or...
    • Select Show Notes List from the drop-down list, only shown if notes exist for this user. Or...
    • Select Display Note from the drop-down list to show notes in a popup window.


users user notes new or edit

Form Fields

  • Subject The subject line for the note.
  • User Select an existing user for this note. A user may have several notes.
  • Category The category that this item is assigned to.
  • Status Set the publication status.
  • Review Date Review date is a manually entered date you can use as appropriate for your workflow. Examples would be to put in a date that you want to review a user or the last date you reviewed the user.
  • Version Note Enter an optional note for this version of the item.
  • Note Enter the note.