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Modules: Wrapper


The Wrapper module type allows you to display an external website in a module. The functionality is the same to that of the 'iFrame Wrapper' you can add as a menu item. If the page to which the wrapper is linked is too big, bars will be shown below and to the right of the wrapper, allowing you to "navigate" the page.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select System → Manage Panel → Site Modules from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • To create a new module: select the New button from the Toolbar. Then...
      • Select the required module type.
    • To edit an existing module:
      • Find the module in the list of installed modules and select the title link in the Title column.


wrapper module tab

Form Fields

  • Title The title of the module. This is also the title displayed for the module depending on the Show Title Form Field

Module Tab

Left Panel

  • URL URL to site/file you wish to display within the iframe.
  • Auto Add By default, http:// will be added unless it detects http:// or https:// in the URL you provide. This allows you to switch this ability off.
  • Scroll Bars Show or hide Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars.
  • Width Width of the iFrame window. You can enter an absolute figure in pixels or a relative figure by adding a %.
  • Height Height of the iFrame window.
  • Auto Height The height will automatically be set to the size of the external page. This will only work for pages on your own domain.
  • Frame border Show a frame border which wraps the iframe.
  • Target Name Name of the iFrame when used as Target