Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

Modules (Site)


This is an overview of the list of over 20 core Site Modules available for a Joomla web site.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to access

  • Select Content → Site Modules from the Administrator menu.

Screenshot - List of Installed Site Modules

administrator modules list

Screenshot - List of Available Site Modules

administrator modules available

Module Positions

To view module positions in a live site go to System  → Templates and select the Options button in the Toolbar. Set Preview Module Positions to enabled and Save. This setting is good for both site and administrator templates. Then add ?tp=1 to the end of a url that does not already contain a query string or &tp=1 to the end of a url that does already contain a query string. The page will show all available module positions, even those to which no modules have been assigned. Positions are shown also in the Module edit form.


  • Some Joomla Extensions provide new Module Types. If you have installed any Extensions, your Joomla! site might have Module Types that are not listed here. In this case, please refer to the documentation for the Extension for information about these Module Types.