Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

Modules: Random Image


The Random Image module type displays a random image from a directory.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select System → Manage Panel → Site Modules from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • To create a new module: select the New button from the Toolbar. Then...
      • Select the required module type.
    • To edit an existing module:
      • Find the module in the list of installed modules and select the title link in the Title column.


random image module tab

Form Fields

  • Title The title of the module. This is also the title displayed for the module depending on the Show Title Form Field

Module Tab

Left Panel

  • Image Type Type of image PNG|GIF|JPG etc. (the default is JPG).
  • Image Folder Path to the image folder relative to the site URL (e.g. images).
  • Link A URL to redirect to if the image is clicked upon.
  • Width (px) Image Width forces all images to be displayed with this width in pixels.
  • Height (px) Image Height forces all images to be displayed with the height in pixels.