Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

Menus: Options


The Menus: Options page is used to set parameters used globally on all menus unless available from a menu item or component. The Title may appear in the browser tab so should be short.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select Menus → Manage in the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the Options button in the Toolbar.


Menus Options

Form Fields

Page Display Tab

  • Browser Page Title Optional text for the page <title> element. The Menu Item Title is used if available. If not, the Article title is used and the same field in the Article Options tab is empty.
  • Show Page Heading Whether or not to show the Browser Page Title in the heading of the page. The page heading is normally displayed inside an h1 HTML element.
  • Page Heading Optional alternative text for the Page Heading, displayed if Show Page Heading is set to Show.
  • Page Class Optional CSS class to add to elements in this page. This allows CSS styling specific to this page.