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The Search menu item type is used to create a page for Smart Search Results. It can be used in conjunction with a Smart Search module to control a Search Results Page layout.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How To Access

To create a new Search menu item:

  • Select Menus → [name of the menu] from the Administrator menu (for example, Menus → Main Menu). Then...
    • Select the New button in the Toolbar. Then...
    • Select the Menu Item Type Select button.
    • In the modal dialog select the Smart Search item to open a list and then select the Search item.

To edit an existing Search menu item:

  • Select its Title in the Menus: Items list.


Menu Item Smart Search details tab

Form Fields

If Use Global is selected for any option the default value from the Smart Search: Options is used.

Options Tab

Menu Item Smart Search options tab

  • Date Filters Show or hide the start and end date filters in Advanced Search.
  • Advanced Search Shor ot hide the Advanced Search for element.
  • Expand Advanced Search Show or hide Advanced Search in expanded state.
  • Result Taxonomy ...?
  • Result Description Show or hide a description under link in search results.
  • Description Length The number of characters of the description to show in the search results. The default is 255.
  • Result Date ...?
  • Result URL Show or hide the result item's URL in search results. The URL is located under the description.

Advanced Tab

Menu Item Smart Search advanced tab

  • Display Select Show or hide the Display # control that allows the user to select the number of items to show in the list.
  • Pagination Show or hide Pagination support. Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the User to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the listed items will not fit on one page. The following options are available.
    • Use Global Use the default value from the component options screen.
    • Auto Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Show Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Hide Pagination links not shown. Note: In this case, Users will not be able to navigate to additional pages.
  • Pagination Results Show or hide the current page number and total number of pages (for example Page 1 of 2) at the bottom of each page.
  • Allow Empty Search If a filter is selected, allows an empty search string to initiate a search with the filter constraints.
  • Did You Mean Whether to suggest alternative search terms when a search produces no result.
  • Query Explanation Show or hide a detailed explanation of the search requested.
  • Show Sort Fields Show or hide the additional sort fields.
  • Additional Sort Fields: Choose one or more fields on which to sort the search results:
    • Relevance Order the results by relevance
    • Title Order the results by title
    • Date Order the results by date
    • List price Order the results by list price
    • Sales price Order the results by sales price
  • Sort Direction Direction to sort search results.