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Menu Item: List News Feeds in a Category


The List News Feeds in a Category menu item type is used to show a list of all RSS News Feeds in a Category. Depending on the selected options for this layout, you can include subcategories of a News Feed category.

How To Access

To create a new List News Feeds in a Category menu item:

  • Select Menus → [name of the menu] from the Administrator menu (for example, Menus → Main Menu). Then...
    • Select the New button in the Toolbar. Then...
    • Select the Menu Item Type Select button.
    • In the modal dialog select the News Feeds item to open a list and then select the List News Feeds in a Category item.

To edit an existing List News Feeds in a Category menu item:

  • Select its Title in the Menus: Items list.


Menu Item News Feed Category screen

Form Fields

  • Menu Title: The title that will display for this menu item.
  • Alias. The internal name of the item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value Title in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces.

Details Tab

Left Panel

  • Menu Item Type. The Menu Item Type selected when this menu item was created. This can be one of the core menu item types or a menu item type provided by an installed extension.
  • Choose a Category. The Categories that are within this category will be displayed. This layout requires a category selection. Select the desired top-level category. All child categories can be shown in the selected category if sub categories are selected to be shown in the 'Category Options' Tab.
  • Link. The system-generated link for this menu item. This field cannot be changed and is for information only.
  • Target Window. Select from the drop-down list.
  • Template Style. Select from the drop-down list.

Right Panel

  • Menu. Shows which menu the link will appear in.
  • Parent Item. The parent menu item for this menu item. Used to determine whether a Menu Item is a top-level item or a submenu item. Select 'Menu Item Root' (the default value) if this is a top-level Menu Item. Otherwise, select the Menu Item that is this item's parent.
  • Ordering. You can change the order of an item within a list as follows:
    • If the list Filter Options include a Position filter select the desired Position. This will limit the list to items that are assigned to that Position.
    • Select the Ordering icon Ordering column header icon in the Table heading to make it the active ordering item. The ordering icons in each row will change from light grey to dark grey and the pointer will change to a drag arrow on hover.
    • Select one of the Ordering icons Ordering drag icon and drag it up or down to change the position of that row in the list. The items will display in the new order within the Position.
  • Status. The published status of the item.
  • Start Publishing. Date and time to start publishing. Use this field if you want to enter content ahead of time and then have it published automatically at a future time.
  • Finish Publishing. Date and time to finish publishing. Use this field if you want to have content automatically changed to Unpublished state at a future time (for example, when it is no longer applicable).
  • Default Page. If Yes, this menu item is the default or home page for the site. There must be exactly one menu item set as the default page. You can change the default page in two ways:
    1. Click on the Home column of the desired menu item in the Menus: Items screen.
    2. Open the menu item for the new default page and change the Default Page setting to Yes.
  • Access. The viewing Access Level for this item.
  • Language. Item language.
  • Note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this item) and does not show in the Frontend of the site.

Category Tab

Menu Item News Feed Category category tab

  • Category Title. (Use Global/Hide/Show) If Show, the Category Title will show as a subheading on the page. The subheading is usually displayed inside the "H2" tag.
  • Category Description. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the description of the selected Category.
  • Category Image. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the category image.
  • Subcategory Levels. (Use Global/All/1-5) The number of levels of subcategories to show in the layout. Select All to show all levels in the subcategory hierarchy.
  • Empty Categories. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the categories that contain no content items or subcategories.
  • Subcategories Descriptions. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the category description of subcategories.
  • Feeds in Category. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the number of News Feeds in a Category.

List Layout Tab

Menu Item News Feed Category list layout tab

  • Filter Field: (Use Global/Hide/Show) Whether to show a Filter field for the list. Select Hide to hide the filer field
  • Display Select. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the Display # control that allows the user to select the number of items to show in the list. If there are more items than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons (Start, Prev, Next, End, and page numbers) to navigate between pages. Note that if you have a large number of items, it may be helpful to use the Filter options, located above the column headings, to limit which items display.
  • Table Headings. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Table Headings show a heading above a list. If set to Show, this heading will show above the list. If set to Hide, the list will show with no headings.
  • # Articles. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the number of Articles in each News Feed. Other options are available to set this value in each individual News Feed.
  • Feed Links. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the feed links URLs.
  • Pagination. Hide or Show Pagination support. Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the User to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the listed items will not fit on one page. The following options are available.
    • Use Global: Use the default value from the component options screen.
    • Auto: Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Show: Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Hide: Pagination links not shown. Note: In this case, Users will not be able to navigate to additional pages.
  • Pagination Results. Hide or Show the current page number and total pages (e.g., "Page 1 of 2") at the bottom of each page. Use Global will use the default value from the component options.

Feed Display Options Tab

Menu Item News Feed Category feed display options tab

  • Feed Image. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the image of News Feeds.
  • Feed Description. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Hide or Show the description text of the News Feed.
  • Feed Content. (Use Global/Hide/Show) Show or hide the content of News Feeds.
  • Characters count. Number of characters to show if Feed Content from News Feeds is set to show.
  • Feed display order. (Use Global/Most recent first/Oldest first) Select the feed display order, most recent first, oldest first, or Global, the setting in News Feeds Options.

Common Options

See Menus: New Item for help on fields common to all Menu Item types, including:

  • Right Panel
  • Link Type
  • Page Display
  • Metadata
  • Associations
  • Module Assignment


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the menu item and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the menu item and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New. Saves the menu item and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another menu item.
  • Save as Copy. Saves your changes to a copy of the current menu item. Does not affect the current menu item. This toolbar icon is not shown if you are creating a new menu item.
  • Cancel. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made. Or
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick Tips

  • Categories can be "nested" into levels, similar to folders on a disk drive. In theory there is no absolute limit on the number of levels you can have. However, as a practical matter it is recommended to keep the levels to a minimum. The Show All Categories layout may not work correctly if the number of levels shown is greater than five.
  • If you set up category titles as linkable, the user can drill down on the category. If there is a pre-existing menu item for this category (for example, a Category List menu item), then that menu item will show in the drill down and the options set for that menu item will control the page display. Otherwise, the options set for the current Show All Categories menu item will control the page display.
  • You can set the option to drill down to a list in two places.
    • In News Feed: Options you can set the default value for all categories.
    • In Category: Edit A Newsfeeds Category you can set a value for a specific category. If this is set, it overrides the default value.