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Featured Contacts


The Featured Contacts menu item type is used to show a list of featured contacts.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How To Access

To create a new Featured Contacts Menu Item:

  • Select Menus → [name of the menu] from the Administrator menu (for example, Menus → Main Menu). Then...
    • Select the New button in the Toolbar. Then...
    • Select the Menu Item Type Select button
    • In the modal dialog select the Contacts item to open a list and then select the Featured Contacts item.

To edit an existing Featured Contacts menu item:

  • Select its Title in the Menus: Items list.


Menu Item Featured Contacts Details tab

Form Fields

Form Tab

Menu Item Featured Contacts form tab

  • Tags Show or hide the contact's Tags.
  • Contact Information Show or hide the contact's Contact Information.
  • vCard Show or hide the contact's vCard.
  • Miscellaneous Information Show or hide the contact's Miscellaneous Information.
  • User Articles Show or hide the contact's User Articles.
  • # Articles to List Show or hide the contact's # Articles to List.
  • Contact Links Show or hide the contact's Contact Links.
  • Link <letter> Label <A to E> Labels (5) to override the shown link's label.

Mail Options Tab

Contact Mail Options control the appearance of a Contact's → Contact Form if it is enabled.

Menu Item Featured Contacts mail options tab

  • Contact Form Show or hide the contact's contact form.
  • Send Copy to Submitter Show or hide the a check box to allow a Submitter to send a copy of email to themselves.
  • Session Check Check for the existence of session cookie. Users without cookies enabled will not be able to send emails. It has the following options available:
    • Use Global Use the default value from the contacts options screen.
    • Yes Check for session cookie.
    • No Do not check for session cookie.
  • Custom Reply Turn on or off the custom message reply to contact form's submitter, allowing for Plugins to handle integration with other systems. It has the following options available:
    • Use Global Use the default value from the contacts options screen.
    • Yes Send an automated reply email.
    • No Do not send an automated reply email.
  • Contact Redirect Enter an alternative URL to redirect the submitter after the email is sent.


  • To feature a contact do one of the following using the Contacts list:
    • Select the Featured symbol (circle with a star) in the Featured column,
    • Select the Item select check box and select Feature in the Actions drop-down list in the Toolbar. Several items can be selected to Feature or Unfeature via the Actions list.