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Media: Options


The Media: Options page is used to set the media global parameters.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select Content → Media from the Administrator menu.
  • Select the Options button in the Toolbar.


Media Options

Form Fields


  • Maximum Size (in MB) Use zero for no limit. Note: The server has a maximum limit.
  • Path to Files Folder Enter the path to the files folder relative to the root of your webspace. Do not start the path with a slash. Changing to another path than the default images may break your links.
  • Path to Images Folder Enter the path to the images folder relative to the root of your webspace. Do not start the path with a slash.
  • Restrict Uploads Restrict uploads for lower than manager users to images if Fileinfo or MIME Magic isn't installed.
    • Allowed Extensions Restrict uploads for lower than manager users to files in the list.
    • Check MIME Types Use Fileinfo or MIME Magic to attempt to verify files. Try disabling this if you get invalid mime type errors.
  • Legal Image Extensions (File Types) Image extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid image headers and to select images.
  • Legal Audio Extensions (File Types) Audio extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid audio headers and to select audio files.
  • Legal Video Extensions (File Types) Video extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid video headers and to select videos.
  • Legal Document Extensions (File Types) Document extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid document headers and to select documents.
  • Ignored Extensions Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads.
  • Legal MIME Types A comma separated list of legal MIME types to upload.


  • If you are a beginning user, you can just keep the default values here until you learn more about using global options.
  • If you are an advanced user, you can save time by creating good default values here.