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Joomla Update: Options


The Joomla Update: Options page is used to set parameters to control the Joomla core update process.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select System → Update panel → Joomla from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the Options button in the Toolbar.


Joomla Update Options

Form Fields

Update Source Tab

  • Update Channel
    • Default This setting causes Joomla to display a notice when a new minor or patch version is available for the current major version.
    • Joomla Next This setting causes Joomla to display a notice when a new stable major version is available and all existing minor versions and extensions are up to date.
    • Testing For Joomla Testers. More fields will appear.
    • Custom URL For Joomla Developers. More fields will appear.
  • Minimum Stability The minimum stability of the extension updates you would like to see. Development is the least stable, Stable is production quality. If an extension doesn't specify a level it is assumed to be Stable.
    • Development For Joomla Developers sites.
    • Alpha For Alpha testing sites.
    • Beta For Beta testing sites.
    • Release Candidate For Release Candidate sites.
    • Stable For Production sites.
  • Potentially incompatible extensions checkbox Shows the checkbox in the pre–update check if any of the extensions installed on your site is potentially incompatible with the version of Joomla you are upgrading to. Note: the checkbox is displayed when upgrading to a new Joomla version family (minor or major version).
  • Confirm Backup Checkbox Shows the checkbox to confirm you have taken a backup and you are ready to update in the final step before the update is actually applied.