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Guided Tours: New or Edit Step


This page is used to add a new or edit an existing Step of a tour.

Common Elements

Some aspects of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select System -> Manage -> Guided Tours from the Administrator menu.
  • Select the numbered Steps button for a tour to open the tour steps page.
  • Select the New toolbar button to add a step.
  • Select a Title from the list to edit a step.


Guided tours edit step

Form Fields

  • Title. The Title for this step. Usually it is a call to action, for example 'Enter a title' if the step demands user interaction. If the title is a language key, an aditional field is shown, representing the translation of that key for the user's locale.

Edit Step tab

Left Panel

  • Description. This is where you enter the description of the step, usually a detailed explanation or help for the step. The step description can be a language key. When this is the case, a secondary field presents the translated description of that key for the user's locale.

Right Panel

  • Position. The position of the step relative to the information it points to.

    • Bottom: Step shows below the target.
    • Center: Step shows at the center of the screen. When a target is missing, this is the default position.
    • Left: Step shows at the left of the target.
    • Right: Step shows at the right of the target.
    • Top: Step shows above the target.
  • Target. The element of the screen the step points to. It uses CSS syntax.

    For example, .button-new will target the button of the page having class button-new.

    If the target is not unique, the first target found is used. When creating interactive steps, make sure the target is focusable for accessibility. You may use several selectors, comma separated. The first valid one will become the target (a selector is valid if: found on the page, not disabled, not read only and not hidden). If a target has been set but it is not found or it is invalid, the tour won't break but show the step at the center of the screen.

  • Type. The type of step.

    • Next: The user running the tour will walk through the next step.
    • Redirect: The step will be redirected to another page.
    • Interactive: The step requires user interaction, like entering data.
  • URL. The url to redirect to for a step of type 'Redirect'. For example, administrator/index.php?option=com_users&view=user&layout=edit will redirect the step to the user edit screen.

  • Interactive Type. The type of interaction for an interactive step.

    • Form Submit: The target is a button that submits a form.
    • Text Field: The target is an input text field. If the field is required, the person running the tour won't be able to continue to the next step until data is entered.
    • Button: The target is a button on the screen.
    • Other: The target is any other form element.

Options Tab

Guided tours edit step options tab


  • Use GUIDEDTOUR in language keys as a convention wherever language keys are used (for title and description).