Joomla Help Screens

Manual Index

Banners: Tracks


Used to view a list of existing Banner Tracking information.

Common Elements

Some elements of this page are covered in separate Help articles:

How to Access

  • Select Components → Banners → Tracks from the Administrator menu.


Banners tracks list

Column Headers

The following columns are specific to Banners: Tracks.

  • Name The name and category of the banner.
  • Client The Client for this Banner. Clients are entered from the Banners: Clients list.
  • Type The type of the track, Impression or a Click.
  • Count The number of impressions or clicks.
  • Date Date and hour of the impression or click.


The following buttons are specific to Banners: Tracks.

  • Export Opens a window where you will be able export the Banner Tracks. The form allows composition of a file name from variables, for example SITE-some-text creates a suggested filename consisting of the Site name followed by any text entered (
  • Delete Tracks Will delete the selected Banner Tracks.


  • You must add at least one Banner Client and Banner Category before you can add a Banner.