Joomla Documenter Manual

Manual Index

Installation Notes

About Jdocmanual

Jdocmanual is designed to deliver Joomla documentation in an easy reference form with an Index to all articles at the left, the selected article content in the centre and a list of headings in the article to the right. It can be used also for other custom documentation.

Version 4 of Jdocmanual is not compatible with previous versions. Any previous version should be uninstalled before installing this new version.

Data Sets

The data sets for Jdocmanual are located on GitHub in GitHub Flavoured Markdown format. Four manuals are available, some in several languages, in separate GitHub repositories. For example, the source data for the User Manual in English is You can choose which manual and data sets to install in addition to English, which is mandatory.

Most of the original content came from the MediaWiki installation and many of the images used here are delivered from that source.

Installation In brief

There are full instructions in the Jdocmanual Repository README file. This brief outline covers installation of the User Manual in English and German using the git clone method. If you do not have git you can download the files from the repositories in ZIP format and unpack them.

  1. Create a file structure on your platform that is outside your web tree but writable by your web server. For example, for the User manual:
    The /manuals/user/ part of the path is mandatory.
  2. Change into this directory and clone the Markdown files:
    git clone
    git clone
  3. Rename the created directories to the language names:
    mv cefjdemos-data-jdm-user-en en
    mv cefjdemos-data-jdm-user-de de
  4. Install Jdocmanual on your Joomla site. You can obtain an installable ZIP file from: Save it in your Downloads folder and install it in the same way as any other Joomla extension.
  5. Install the Command Line Plugin obtainable is a ZIP file:
  6. Select the Components/Jdocmanual menu item in the Joomla Administrator menu. Then select the Options button in the Toolbar.
    • Set the dataset path and Joomla installation subfolder (if your installation is not in your website root). Save & Close.
  7. Build your database articles and menus:
    • select the Jdocmanual/Sources menu item, then the title of the manual you have installed. Use the Actions button to Update HTML, then Update Menus. The order is important! The articles build process takes 4 to 6 minutes on a fast workstation or server!
    • Repeat for each manual you wish to use.
  8. If you prefer to use the command line for data maintenance use the following commands in sequence:
    cd /path/to/joomla/web/root/cli
    php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildarticles user en
    php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildmenus user en
    php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildarticles user de
    php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildmenus user de

Now select the Jdocmanual/Manuals menu item in the Administrator menu. All being well you should see Jdocmanual with the default Manual and Article already selected.

Help Proxy Server

The proxy server is used in conjunction with the Help Manual to deliver the help pages seen on selection of any Toolbar Help button:

   mkdir /home/username/data/manuals/help
   cd /home/username/data/manuals/help
   git clone
   mv cefjdemos-data-jdm-help-en en
   cd /path/to/joomla/web/root/cli
   php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildarticles help en
   php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildmenus help en
   php joomla.php jdocmanual:action buildproxy help en

There is an Update Proxy option in the Toolbar Actions list for the Jdocmanual: Edit Source page for the Help Manual.

The build process creates subfolders in a /proxy folder in the root of the Joomla installation. They contain HTML files generated from the help HTML files stored in the database.

Then edit your configuration.php file to remove the domain of the existing Help server. You first need to change its file permissions to 644. It might look like this:

public $helpurl = '/xxx?/proxy?keyref=Help{major}{minor}:{keyref}&lang={langcode}';

The /xxx? part would be the name of any subfolder where your installation is located in public_html, or absent if your Joomla installation is in the root of your site.

Test by selecting the Help button in any core Joomla page.

Site Menu

If you want to show the Manuals on the site just create a Jdocmanual menu item. Note the single page is for search results but it has not been implemented.

Important: The menu alias must be jdocmanual or internal links will be broken and lead to frontend problems.

You may wish to place the menu on a page without side modules so that the full width of the page may be used for content.

User Groups

If you wish to allow others to help maintain content you need to create two User Groups:

  • JDM Author Allowed to edit content in English and other languages.
  • JDM Publisher Allowed to commit and publish updated content.

The JDM Author group should have Public as its parent. The JDM Publisher group should have JDM Author as its parent.

Users: Viewing Access Levels

JDM Author should be set to the Special Viewing Access level. From the Users / Access Levels page select Special and add JDM Author to the User Groups with Viewing Access.

Global Options

In the Global Options form select the Permissions tab and then the JDM Author item. Set Administrator login to Allowed.

Jdocmanual Options

From the Jdocmanual, Manual page select the Options button. In the Permissions list select JDM Author and set the following to Allowed: - Access Administration Interface - Create - Delete - Edit

Select JDM Publisher and set the following to Allowed: - Publish

Save and Close

If you now login as a user in the JDM Author group you will see the Home Dashboard with some modules not relevant for Jdocmanual.

Turn off the Help menu item

Go to the list of Administrator modules and find the Administrator Menu module. In the Module tab set the Help Menu item to Hide.

Unpublish or restrict Access to modules

In the Administrator modules list find the Logged-in Users item used in the cpanel position (not the cpanel-users position). Either Unpublish it or set Access to Super Users.

Find and unpublish the Popular Articles and Recently Added Articles items for the cpanel position (not the cpanel-content position).

There may be other modules needing similar treatment.

The Home Dashboard should now be empty for a JDM Author.

Who can do what?

JDM Author and JDM Publisher can login but should only have access to the the Home Dashboard and the Jdocmanual component.

JDM Author does not have access to the Commit button in the Article Edit page toolbar so cannot update the git repository or displayed page. Otherwise each can use all other features.

Manager and Administrator can login but will not see the Jdocmanual component.

Author, Editor and Publisher do not have access to the Administrator interface.

Super Users have complete access.