Joomla! Programmers Documentation
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Ajaxdemo Component
This is an example component which you can download from com_ajaxdemo.
It demonstrates the use of Ajax within a Joomla component; for further background see the section Ajax and JsonResponse.
It can be easily adapted to demonstrate the use of com_ajax for plugins and templates; simply change the url in media/js/divide.js to point to com_ajax instead of com_ajaxdemo, and set the other required URL parameters.
Once you have downloaded the source, zip up the com_ajaxdemo directory and install the component.
Then go to <your domain>/index.php?option=com_ajaxdemo
to run it on your Joomla instance.
The component displays a form to capture two numbers A and B, and a button to calculate A/B. The division is performed by an Ajax call to the server, and if B is zero then an exception is raised.
Brief summaries of the main source files are provided below.
Administrator service provider¶
Path: administrator/components/com_ajaxdemo/services/provider.php
This is boilerplate code for a basic MVC component. For components this file is placed under /administrator in the Joomla filesystem. If you want to understand it fully then read the Dependency Injection section.
From this file Joomla instantiates default Extension and Dispatcher classes, and an MVC Factory class which creates Model, View and Controller classes for our component.
The default Dispatcher class examines the URL task
parameter, and from it works out the Controller to instantiate.
The default Controller (when no task
parameter is present) is the DisplayController.
When the Divide button is pressed the JavaScript code sends an Ajax request using task
set to "ajax.divide".
Based on this the default Dispatcher will instantiate this component's AjaxController and call its divide
Site Display Controller¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/src/Controller/DisplayController.php
This controller's display method is what is run when you go to your site page which displays the form (ie navigate to the URL .../index.php?option=com_ajaxdemo
It gets the associated Model and View classes, and calls display() on the View instance.
Site Ajaxdemo View¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/src/View/Ajaxdemo/HtmlView.php
This calls the model to set up the form, then calls display() to run the tmpl file.
Site Ajaxdemo Model¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/src/Model/AjaxdemoModel.php
This sets up the form as described in Forms.
Site Ajaxdemo tmpl file¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/tmpl/ajaxdemo/default.php
This uses the Web Asset Manager to attach the JavaScript divide.js which initiates the Ajax call.
It passes the root URL of your Joomla instance to the JavaScript code using passing variables to Javascript as this makes the job of forming the URLs easier.
Then it outputs the <form>
html, including the button with the onclick listener to run the divide.js code.
"Divide" XML Form¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/forms/divide_form.xml
This uses Joomla Standard Form Fields for the fields in the form.
JavaScript code¶
Path: media/com_ajaxdemo/js/divide.js
The is the code which is run when the Divide button is pressed.
It initiates the Ajax call and handles the response.
Ajax Controller¶
Path: components/com_ajaxdemo/src/Controller/AjaxController.php
This is the controller with the divide() method which gets called when the Ajax request is serviced by Joomla.
It computes a/b and sends the result back to the JavaScript code using JsonResponse.
If b is zero then it sends a 'divide by zero' exception into JsonResponse, which gets mapped to a JSON object with success=false passed back.
It also sets up a couple of dummy enqueued messages to demonstrate this aspect of JsonResponse.
media joomla.asset.json file¶
Path: media/com_ajaxdemo/joomla.asset.json
This is the file required by the Web Asset Manager for defining the JavaScript asset and its dependencies.